Recently, I found in my RSS reader George Butiri’s article named The reason Angular JS will fail. Go ahead and read it – it’s quite interesting. Naturally, I do not agree with George’s conclusions, but that is not the reason why I wrote this blogpost.
What really struck me was the quality of provided code samples. I do not want anyone to read the article and think: „So this is supposed to be the Angular way of doing things? No wonder this shit is doomed.“
The provided code shows that George is really proficient with vanilla Javascript and jQuery but lacks (no offense) deeper understanding of AngularJS and its principles.
Thats why I decided to go on and fix the code to be more Angularish. Lets skip the first example – it’s easy enough – and start directly with more advanced stuff.
DOM Manipulation
George tries to do an simple example of two boxes which should move when clicked. This is indeed quite simple task. Let’s have a look at the code from the article (original JSFiddle):
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);
myApp.directive('myWidget', function() {
var linkFn;
linkFn = function(scope, element, attrs) {
var animateDown, animateRight, pageOne, pageTwo;
pageOne = angular.element(element.children()[0]);
pageTwo = angular.element(element.children()[1]);
animateDown = function() {
top: '+=50'
animateRight = function() {
left: '+=50'
$(pageOne).on('click', animateDown);
$(pageTwo).on('click', animateRight);
return {
restrict: 'E',
link: linkFn
Notice something awkward? Yes, you’re right. This is not AngularJS, this is just bunch of jQuery code wrapped in directive for no obvious reason.
As I read the article I thought: „There has to be better way to achieve such simple result.“ Of course there is one and quite straightforward:
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);
myApp.directive('box', function () {
var linkFn;
linkFn = function (scope, element, attrs) { = function () {
var opts = {};
if (attrs.move.indexOf('right') != -1) {
opts.left = '+=50px';
if (attrs.move.indexOf('down') != -1) { = '+=50px';
$(element.children()[0]).animate(opts, "slow");
return {
restrict: 'EA',
link: linkFn,
template: '<div class="box" ng-click="click()"></div>',
scope: {}
//see JS Fiddle at
See? Why not unleash AngularJS directives to their full potential and use them exactly how they are supposed to be used in the first place? There is no need for element searching and attaching click handlers via jQuery.
Notice that jQuery is still being used on line 17 for animation itself. Yes. Because AngularJS is not a low-level manipulation library – jQuery truly rocks at this field.
What is the main difference then? Readability. Let’s compare source HTML:
<div id="one" class="box"></div>
<div id="two" class="box"></div>
<box move="down"></box>
<box move="right"></box>
<box move="down right"></box>
In AngularJS case, HTML speaks for itself. You can understand its purpose without even looking at the Javascript code. See complete JSFiddle.
What about George’s second task? Let’s quote him:
For the purpose of simplicity, here’s the requirements:
- Two links, and two output elements on the page.
- One link loads a random number in the first element.
- The second link loads today’s date in the second element.
This simple requirement is followed by two paragraphs explaining why it’s impossible to achieve this in AngularJS. Ok, pal, here you go:
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);
var MainCtrl = function ($http) {
main = this;
this.load = function (what) {
if (what == 'ip') {
$http.get('').then(function (result) {
main.ip =;
if (what == 'date') {
$http.get('').then(function (result) { =;
myApp.controller('MainCtrl', MainCtrl);
//see JS Fiddle at
(Complete JSFiddle – I couldn’t find online service that would return random number, so I replaced it with IP address. Hope that is not a problem.)
But I see the point here. The original article shows how to build a generic system to replace various elements (identified by IDs) with values sent from server. I hope that this example is not taken from real world application. Maintaining such application must be a real pain in the ass.
Although I think it is not really an AngularJS way, it’s still perfectly achievable. For example like this:
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);
myApp.directive('serverData', function ($http) {
var linkFn = function (scope, element, attrs) {
attrs.$observe('load', function (value) {
if (value == "true") {
$http.get('http://' + + '').then(function (result) { =;
return {
restrict: 'EA',
link: linkFn,
template: '<span></span>',
scope: {}
//see JS Fiddle at
<a href="#" ng-click="loadIp = true">Load IP</a>
<a href="#" ng-click="loadDate = true">Load date</a>
<p>Your IP:
<server-data id="ip" load=""></server-data>
<p>Today is:
<server-data id="date" load=""></server-data>
See? This is where directives really rock. One really just have to resist to urge to sprinkle #IDs all over the HTML code and create unreadable spaghetti.
That’s it
At least for today. AngujarJS might not be perfect, but it’s really helpfull in creating readable, maintainable and extendable Javascript applications.